


Here you will find sneak peeks from my recent photo sessions.

For more information or to contact me, please visit my official website, www.neelybrookphotography.com.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Not only was this family beautiful, they were so pleasant as well! It didn't take much to get a smile out of these kiddos and they cooperated with everything we told them. I was extremely impressed! I have a hard time keeping my two in line, let alone 4! Although, I did have to use a little bit of bribery on the 2 year old. The reward? Seeing her face on the camera screen after I took the picture! haha! So cute!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Party for 2!

I have had the pleasure of photographing these twins once before. They come from a big loving family, and you can just feel happiness when you are around them. I love watching babies reactions to their first birthday parties! All the attention and the cake....it's too cute!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


When I met with this family, the older boy greeted me with the roar of his engine and a high five. So funny! He continued with the sillies through the whole photo session and had me laughing. He was quite the character. :)


You may recognize a couple of these boys from, as they call it, "downtown candy!". They are the adorable twins that ate the huge lollipops during their shoot. This time they brought along their sweet cousins for a photo-op for grandma. I think she will love to see these smiling faces!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


These two beauties are dear friends of ours. They are so incredibly gorgeous, they could be on the cover of magazines! I have been excited to do this shoot with the balloons and red and white ottoman since the moment I spotted that old ottoman. Isn't it fun?! I LOVE the way they turned out.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Truck Farm

These lucky girls (and lucky mom!) have great older brothers! They were a big help in getting smiles out of their baby sisters. This truck farm makes for such sweet photos. Not to mention, the kids are fascinated by the hundreds of flamingos and fun trucks!

Friday, August 6, 2010


This girlie girl was very much into her outfit and accessory changes. It was too cute! Seeing as how I have a little girl who could care less what she wears and never lets me put things in her hair without bribery, I had fun with her! She danced and sang for us and was constantly on the go. The ones of her sitting were the few seconds that she stayed still. ;)